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You don't have to go it alone!

When you file a claim with the insurance company you will be assigned a company adjuster.   Company adjusters are hired as an advocate for the insurance company and come to the bargaining table as trained negotiators that know they have an advantage.  That’s why it’s important you have an advocate on your side that will give you every advantage as well.


So how can you level the playing field?  By working with Marc and his team of insurance repair professionals who are prepared to work zealously as an advocate for your interests.



Bringing years of experience to the table Marc knows the ins and outs of the insurance claim process including proper filing of insurance claims, technical insurance knowledge, and years of insurance negotiating expertise.  This experience creates a respect with local insurance adjusters that, many times, can even help in expediting a more favorable insurance claim. 


Pursuing an insurance claim without a professional who understands how the companies work would be like going to court without a lawyer or performing surgery on yourself.  But you don’t have to go it alone, contact Marc today and make sure you get everything you deserve from your insurance claim.

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